Kendrick Farris (@kendrickjfarris, @blessthegym_kotp) is an...

Kendrick Farris (@kendrickjfarris, @blessthegym_kotp) is an Olympian. He is also a friend, role model and motivational driver. Teaching athletes how to achieve their personal best each day they step onto the platform is what Kendrick wraps into the message of Bless The Gym. Sharing similar views and philosophies, Kendrick and I wanted to bridge into an experience. It was a fun 4 days getting to know the man behind Bless The Gym and an even better time co-coaching the athletes. Check out this cool video Nate Helming (@natehelming) put together for us!

Voice over: @barbellshruggedpodcast

Music: @bboywicket

#FuBarbell #BlessTheGym #ReebokONE #CrossFit #Olympicstyleweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #education #motivation #instagramfitness