Got to hang out with the strong boys and girls down at NorCal...
Got to hang out with the strong boys and girls down at NorCal CrossFit a couple weeks back when @kendrickjfarris dropped into town to hang. We did triples on the rack jerk and Kendrick led the crew through his warm-up and coached the boys as they worked up in weight.
Videoed here are: Jason Khalipa (@jasonkhalipa), Garrett Fisher (@garret0329), Miranda Oldroyd (@crossfitmiranda), and Molly Vollmer (@molly_vollmer). Lauren Fisher (@ltfisher12) was in to play too, but she was tapering to slay Jr Nationals that weekend.
Stay tuned to your channels boys and girls. Kendrick and I have something cookin’ for you guys.
#FuBarbell #BlessTheGym #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique