Very excited to announce my newest @codyapp series that take you...

Very excited to announce my newest @codyapp series that take you through the ENTIRE sequence of Olympic-Style lifts, DIAGNOSE and FIX FAULTS for your footwork, extension, and finish in your lifts. Link is in my bio.

I get a lot of questions about helping people with their lifts and improving their technique… and that’s why I put together this bundle to help you identify common faults and recommend a series of progressions and drills to improve your skills!

This bundle works with you from the bottom up, starting with footwork faults and jerk footwork faults. Next, I’ll address faults with extension and teach you how to transfer energy to the bar to bring it to its highest level. The bundle concludes looking for faults and recommending fixes for the finishing sequence of the snatch, clean, and jerk. Each plan includes a set of progressions and drills to help you practice or retool each part of the movement sequence.

#FuBarbell #CodyApp #ReebokONE #CrossFit #Olympicstyleweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #education #motivation #instagramfitness