Today we deliver the second part to Lester Ho’s...

Today we deliver the second part to Lester Ho’s (@lesterhokw) talk on momentum. At the top of the week, Lester unveiled how to properly deliver momentum during the pull. Today, we will discuss why moving with accuracy is so important and how decisions made early in the pull will have consequences later on down that line.

Part 2


“The next common mistake to do with momentum is in receiving the weight. At the peak displacement of the barbell, velocity of the barbell should be zero (due to gravity slowing the velocity down till it hits zero and reverses the direction of the barbell). Thus the momentum of the barbell should be minimum or close to zero. If any action is further performed to actively pull the bar into the receiving position, the active pulling then results in velocity and subsequently momentum still being present at the peak displacement. With that, it makes the receiving position more challenging as more work needs to be done to control the remaining momentum at peak bar displacement.

Understanding how momentum is generated and at which points of the lift it should and should not be generated or present, it will allow you to be more efficient in your lifts and allowing the mass of the barbell to work for you, instead of against you especially when going for a PB.”


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