Got to train with some of the men from the Colombian national...


olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / instagramfitness / technique / motivation / snatch / fuerzacrossfit / crossfitmen / clean / weightlifting / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration

Got to train with some of the men from the Colombian national team last week after the seminar. It’s been fun chatting with each of the nations and learning how their system approaches the sport. Here, in Colombia, weightlifters are sponsored and supported by their government. So literally, weightlifting is their jobs and they are at work lifting twice a day. They use a Bulgarian approach to how they train with some slight modifications to meet the needs of the athletes.

READ POST One of the...


olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / codyapp / weightlifting / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration

One of the things that excites me most about my @codyapp Olympic Weightlifting programs is that it allows a complete beginner to work through the movements and develop working lifts.


And that wraps it up for Latin America! This group had such...


olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / fuerzacrossfit / crossfitmen / clean / weightlifting / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration

And that wraps it up for Latin America! This group had such great questions today. It was so much fun opening up discussion to talk about weightlifting in different contexts. Thank you @fuerzacrossfit for hosting such a great event today. Off now to lift with some boys from the Colombian weightlifting team.

#FuBarbell #FuerzaCrossFit #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympic #Olympicweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #inspiration #motivation


Got invited to train at The Olympic Training Center in...


olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / clean / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / crossfitmen / kallpaevents / weightlifting / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration

Got invited to train at The Olympic Training Center in Guayaquil, Ecuador by head coach Profe. Edison Carriel. Here, the women and men lift in separate halls. I got time in with the junior women yesterday evening and trained along side them. What a great experience watching so many girls (all under the age of 20 with the youngest being 8) lift weights. Thank you Profe. Edison Carriel and my hosts at Kallpa CrossFit (@kallpaevents) for organizing such a fun evening!


Spent the morning learning from Profe. Edison Carriel, head...


olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / kallpacrossfit / cleanandjerk / clean / technique / motivation / snatch / weightlifting / kallpaevents / crossfitmen / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration

Spent the morning learning from Profe. Edison Carriel, head coach of the weightlifting federation here in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Profe. Carriel coaches classes here @kallpaevents Monday through Thursday from 730-9AM each morning. I had the pleasure of speaking with him after class asking questions about the Olympic weightlifting lifestyle down in Ecuador. It’s fun learning how each country approaches this sport. I will be heading down to the federation this afternoon to train with some of the girls from the Ecuadorian national team. Can’t wait!


Buenos Aires, Argentina in a diptic. Had a great couple of days...


olympic / technique / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / crossfittuluka / motivation / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / weightlifting / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration

Buenos Aires, Argentina in a diptic. Had a great couple of days thanks to my hosts CrossFit @tuluka. It’s a beautiful city with a warm culture and amazing grilled meats. Thank you for the great experience, new friendships and wonderful memories!

#FuBarbell #CrossFitTuluka #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympic #Olympicweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #inspiration #motivation


And it’s a wrap! Spent a great 4 days down in Buenos...


olympic / technique / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / crossfittuluka / motivation / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / weightlifting / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration

And it’s a wrap! Spent a great 4 days down in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thank you @tuluka for being such great hosts. Today’s seminar was great and it was a fun experience working with a translator for the first time. Guayaquil, Ecuador is up next!

#FuBarbell #CrossFitTuluka #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympic #Olympicweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #inspiration #motivation

