Coach Wu (@wuchuanfu) demonstrating how to use the quads to... by Diane Fu Sep 29, 2015 Tags: artofpower / fubarbell / crossfit / weightlifting / chuanfutraining / chineseweightlifting READ POST
Coach Wu (@wuchuanfu) demonstrating how to load the legs in the... by Diane Fu Sep 13, 2015 Tags: artofpower / fubarbell / crossfit / weightlifting / chuanfutraining / chineseweightlifting READ POST
Positioning has been getting much more consistent over the last... by Diane Fu Jul 03, 2015 Tags: artofpower / fubarbell / crossfit / weightlifting / chuanfutraining / education / chineseweightlifting READ POST
Coach Wu (@wuchuanfu) demonstrating an effortless Fa Li La... by Diane Fu May 11, 2015 Tags: artofpower / fubarbell / crossfit / weightlifting / chuanfutraining / chineseweightlifting READ POST
Coach Wu (@wuchuanfu) demonstrating an effortless Fa Li La... by Diane Fu May 11, 2015 Tags: artofpower / fubarbell / crossfit / weightlifting / chuanfutraining / chineseweightlifting READ POST
Efficiency. Video cred: @iamjwjw @wuchuanfu . #FuBarbell... by Diane Fu May 09, 2015 Tags: artofpower / fubarbell / crossfit / weightlifting / chuanfutraining / chineseweightlifting READ POST
Trying to get cozy with 209lbs/95kg. It starts to get heady for... by Diane Fu Apr 02, 2015 Tags: artofpower / motivation / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / instagramfitness / clean / chuanfutraining / education / usaw / justnice / chineseweightlifting READ POST
Congratulations to my friend Jon Wong (@iamjwjw) and Coach Wu... by Diane Fu Mar 15, 2015 Tags: artofpower / motivation / fubarbell / crossfit / pushmorecrossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / useyourlats / chuanfutraining / education / usaw / justnice READ POST
Jonathan Wong of @pushmorecrossfit, a long time student of Coach... by Diane Fu Mar 05, 2015 Tags: artofpower / motivation / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / gainz / snatch / olympicstyleweightlifting / instagramfitness / clean / chuanfutraining / useyourlats / education / usaw / justnice READ POST
Coach Wu (@wuchuanfu) demonstrating a mighty impressive snatch... by Diane Fu Feb 20, 2015 Tags: artofpower / motivation / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / olympicstyleweightlifting / instagramfitness / clean / chuanfutraining / education / usaw / justnice READ POST