14.1 in the bag! And yes, it’s just as spicy as I remember...


crossfitopen2014 / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / crossfitoahu / crossfitmen / clean / fubarbell / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaweightlifting

14.1 in the bag! And yes, it’s just as spicy as I remember it being back in 2011. Thank you @crossfitoahufamily for bringing the energy and support. This is the first time I’ve done a CF WOD and double unders since last year’s Open. Felt a little rusty, but I gave it my best. So excited for the next 4 weeks!! Bring it.

#FuBarbell #CrossFitOahu #CrossFitOpen2014 #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique


Of the many things I love about weightlifting, one is the...


fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaweightlifting / thesportspalace

Of the many things I love about weightlifting, one is the inclusiveness of all the different body types and two is the development of an athlete’s specific technique.

I head down to hang out with my coach Jim Schmitz (@jimschmitz) once a week at The Sports Palace. The place is rich with history and Jim’s always got a good story or two to tell. He also records all of the local, national, World and Olympic level meets he attends. This benefits his lifters and gives everyone something to observe when they sit between sets during practice.


Pearce Dermody, owner of CrossFit 4500, and I have been working...


crossfit4500 / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaweightlifting

Pearce Dermody, owner of CrossFit 4500, and I have been working together since post Regionals 2013 to get him prepared for this upcoming Games season 2014.

It’s been a fun year of guiding Pearce through improving different avenues of his fitness. Coming into this season stronger and with a better engine, we’re looking to have some fun times!

Congratulations to Pearce for PRing his clean twice today. The first at 320lbs/145kg and the second at 335lbs/153kg for a total of a 20lbs lifetime PR.

Excited to start the Open! Are you ready?


During the snatch and the clean, there’s a sequence of...


fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaweightlifting

During the snatch and the clean, there’s a sequence of movement that needs to be respected. First, the legs take action. Then, the back comes in to play. And finally, the arms pull to continue the rhythm and flow. Move out of order and you fail to maximize the potential of your levers.

Beginners, however, have difficulty sensing the proper flow of this rhythm and often will try to initiate the lift with their backs, arms and finally their legs.


It was a full house today at CrossFit Leverage! There was so...


fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / crossfitleverage / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaweightlifting

It was a full house today at CrossFit Leverage! There was so much good movement happening in this group. It was exciting for me to watch them progress through the day. Thank you all for carving out the time and spending your Sunday with me.

#FuBarbell #CrossFitLeverage #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique


Another weekend, another group ready to learn! Day 1 complete at...


fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / crossfitroscoe / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaweightlifting

Another weekend, another group ready to learn! Day 1 complete at CrossFit Roscoe. The athletes that attend never cease to amaze me with their enthusiasm and dedication to improving their knowledge and performance. Thank you everyone for bringing your A game.

#FuBarbell #CrossFitRoscoe #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique


Got to hang out at Superior Athletic Advantage with Will and...


fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / saa / technique / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / superiorathleticadvantage / usaweightlifting

Got to hang out at Superior Athletic Advantage with Will and @malrawlings in Lake Barrington, IL. Thanks for organizing such a cool group to come out and lift. The energy was outstanding!

Looking forward to my seminar at CrossFit Roscoe tomorrow and CrossFit Leverage on Sunday. It’s good to be home in Chicago and see friends and family.

#FuBarbell #SuperiorAthleticAdvantage #SAA #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique


D’Angelo Osorio is California grown. He started...


fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / crossfitmen / clean / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaweightlifting

D’Angelo Osorio is California grown. He started weightlifting for HassleFree Barbell Club with Kevin Doherty at Abraham Lincoln High School at the age of 14.

Now 20, D’Angelo is now coached by Zygmunt Smalcerz at the OTC. His best official lifts are 155kg/195kg and best unofficial lifts are 160kg/200kg in the 94kg weight class.

When asked what his biggest take away from the OTC was, it was to finish the pulls on his snatch!! D’Angelo has his sights set on Rio 2016. Show him support at @ooosorio!


Spent the morning with Coach Wu again today. Today he tried...


fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / snatch / crossfitmen / chineseweightlifting / clean / chuanfutraining / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaweightlifting

Spent the morning with Coach Wu again today. Today he tried explaining to me the concept of using “chi” to create stability in the body allowing the muscles to stay in a more relaxed and ready state to exert energy. Can’t say I’ve been able to wrap my brain around this concept yet; but with Coach Wu’s patience, I’m slowly learning a little more each week. Here Coach Wu demonstrates a casual 352lbs/160kg snatch balance double. Impressive.

Video cred: @CoachWu

