
FuBarbell competed today at Max’s Gym Open in Oakland,...

FuBarbell competed today at Max’s Gym Open in Oakland, CA.

Everyone had a fantastic showing with special congratulations going out to:

Shanna Guzman 1st place finish in 58kg weight class

Hannah Kang 3rd place finish in 63kg weight class

Brandon Tom 3rd place finish in 77kg weight class

Kristin Newman 3rd place finish in 75kg+ weight class

And honorary FuBarbell member for the day, Sarah Hopping, winning 1st place in 75kg+ weight class

Special thanks to Coach Pat (@paddygriffin) for his helping hand in handling the team!


Zach Rynders (@zrynders) sequence of a 93kg/205lbs...

Zach Rynders (@zrynders) sequence of a 93kg/205lbs snatch.

#FuBarbell #USAWeightlifting #USAW #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympic #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #inspiration #motivation


You’re in. You’ve decided that maybe every...

You’re in. You’ve decided that maybe every competitive weightlifter out there might be onto something with this whole shoe thing and now you’re on the market for a pair of your own. Which brand do you buy? What size? Geez, most importantly, which color?! With so many options available these days, shopping for your first pair of weightlifting shoes can be daunting at best. Here are a few quick tips when researching for your first pair:

