
Continuing the string of strong friends coming through to play....

Continuing the string of strong friends coming through to play. Ben Claridad from Midtown Barbell was in lifting with us last week. Here he is pulling an “easy” 143kg/315lbs snatch from a deficit and following it up with some “panda” snatch pulls. In talking to Coach Wu from Singapore, he has no idea where that name came from. Just like when I asked Dmitry Klokov, he’s never heard of Smolov or The Russian Squat program. Fun facts.


Annie Thorisdottir (@anniethorisdottir) in town to play this...

Annie Thorisdottir (@anniethorisdottir) in town to play this past week. Watching her move, she looks stronger than ever! Here she is jerking an easy 93kg/205lbs. Legit.

#FuBarbell #TheTrainingPlan #TTP #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #strongwomenarebadass


If we were a comic strip. Starring: @jackie585, ...

If we were a comic strip.

Starring: @jackie585, @suppleleopard, Diane Fu

#FuBarbell #MobilityWOD #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #boredontheplane


Just in case you missed this dropping...

Just in case you missed this dropping yesterday…

I’m very excited to announce that you can now train with me online! For those who have attended my FuBarbell seminars and want continued learning, or for those of you who have never trained with me in person and want to develop a working Snatch and Clean and Jerk, then listen up!

