
Having troubles with your start position off the floor? Need to...

Having troubles with your start position off the floor? Need to learn how to stay on your pull longer? Or, maybe you just want a little variety in your training? Try snatching/cleaning off a 2” deficit. Benefits of deficit work include:


1. Because you will be in a slightly more upright position, the use of the legs to initiate the movement is more forced reinforcing a stronger start off the floor.


FuBarbell athlete and coach Kristin Newman (@strength_geek) just...

FuBarbell athlete and coach Kristin Newman (@strength_geek) just competed this past weekend at the Northern Nevada Strongest Man competition and national qualifier. Having been involved in strongman for only a very short amount of time (this January), she not only qualified for nationals in the middle weight class, she also took second in the event overall! #moderndayphysicalculture


1. Shoulder To Overhead 11reps/140lbs

2. Deadlift 275lbs 23reps/60s

3. Farmer’s Walk 150lbs/hand 80ft/10.2s


REPOST FROM @piketoon: “Shout out to my boy Russell for...

REPOST FROM @piketoon: “Shout out to my boy Russell for PR’ing his snatch yesterday at 155#! Looked too easy buddy! Legs looked a bit shaky at the end tho! #crossfit #crossfithorsepower #snatch #lift #wod #reebok #cartoon #animation #drawing #draw #workout #rehband #oly #weightlifting”

Saw this on @piketoon’s feed the other day and thought it was just so clever! Took me back to the days of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. #FuBarbell

