
I want to first off congratulate Lester Ho (@lesterhokw) in...

I want to first off congratulate Lester Ho (@lesterhokw) in welcoming the newest addition to the Ho family — Lochlan Ho! Amongst practicing the new skill of intermittent sleeping, Lester was able to put together a post teaching us about the subtle differences in lever lengths.


“When teaching the lifts, there is a stereotypical progression of positions taught especially when teaching within a group setting. Even for individual one to one coaching, each coach would have probably developed their positions they deem ideal for lifting.


Jonathan Wong (@iamjwjw) has been a student of Coach Wu...

Jonathan Wong (@iamjwjw) has been a student of Coach Wu (@wuchuanfu) for the last few years and has been traveling around teaching seminars with Coach Wu.

He’s in the states for the next few days which gave us a chance to sit down and go through a lot of Coach Wu’s theories and teaching progressions. It’s good stuff if you haven’t had a chance to take a look at it yet. You can find the syllabus on FuBarbell FaceBook page at www.FaceBook.com/FuBarbell.

