Check out my latest article “Olympic Weightlifting:... by Diane Fu May 24, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / hellalife / olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / oly / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration READ POST
Think you’ve got your nutrition and exercise dialed? Well,... by Diane Fu May 23, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / clean / oly / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / wellnessfx / inspiration READ POST
Got wing span? Reason #1,341 why I love Oly: it can work for all... by Diane Fu May 22, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / Design / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / oly / crossfitmen / olympicweightlifting / usaw / inspiration READ POST
FuBarbell, creating a lifestyle around the things we... by Diane Fu May 21, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / oly / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration READ POST
Christine Carosi (@christinecarosi) 150.5lbs/68kg PR snatch.... by Diane Fu May 18, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / oly / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration READ POST