Setting the back into absolute extension before lift off is... by Diane Fu May 30, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / oly / crossfitmen / olympicweightlifting / usaw / inspiration READ POST
Check out the awesomeness that stopped by FuBarbell this past... by Diane Fu May 29, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / olympic / beccavoigt / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / oly / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration READ POST
Do you care about your performance? I do, and I thought I had... by Diane Fu May 28, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / oly / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / wellnessfx / inspiration READ POST
The body likes to follow the path of least resistance.... by Diane Fu May 27, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / oly / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration READ POST
Team FuBarbell (missing Katie Fiscalini @katiefisc) at the PWA... by Diane Fu May 26, 2013 0 comments Tags: fitspo / olympic / fubarbell / crossfit / cleanandjerk / technique / motivation / snatch / instagramfitness / weightlifting / clean / oly / olympicweightlifting / crossfitgirls / usaw / inspiration READ POST